
How To Get Bigger Biceps At Home

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Biceps are the bulging muscles on the front of the upper arm. When you flex your arms, they are the ones you are showing off. Making your biceps bigger involves more than doing the same exercises over and over. Learn different strategies, biceps exercises, supporting muscle group exercises, and lifestyle changes that promote bigger, stronger biceps.

  1. 1

    Do dumbbell curls. [1] Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in either hand at your sides, with your arms fully extended and your palms turned in. Curl the dumbbells to your chest.[2]

    • Do between 6 and 8 reps and 2 sets. Increase to 3 sets after a week or two. After that, you can increase the weight of the dumbbells.
    • If you don't have dumbbells, you can also use kettlebells or barbells.[3]

    Tip: If you don't have weights handy, you can use some common household objects, like a full milk jug or water bottles filled with rice.

  2. 2

    Do incline dumbbell curls. Sit on a workout chair at a 45-degree incline. Place your feet on the floor and hold the dumbbells at your sides with your arms fully extended. Alternate your hands and curl one dumbbell at a time. Curl until the dumbbell is level with your shoulder and your elbow is totally bent, then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.

    • Do between 6 and 8 reps and 2 sets. Increase to 3 sets after a week or two, then add more weight as you get stronger.
    • You may find that you'll have to use a lower weight for this exercise than you use for regular dumbbell curls. That's not an issue; the inclined position makes it more difficult to lift, so your biceps are still getting a great workout.


  3. 3

    Do concentration curls. Sit on an exercise seat with your feet flat on the ground shoulder-width apart. Lean forward so that your right elbow is touching the inside of your right knee, and your arm is fully extended. Curl the dumbbell toward your chest, keeping your elbow in the same spot.[4]

    • You can place your opposite hand on your opposite knee for stability.
    • Do between 6 and 8 reps and 2 sets, then repeat with your left arm.
  4. 4

    Do chin-ups. This exercise may be difficult at first, but it's an excellent way to increase the size of your biceps. Grip a bar with your hands placed shoulder-width apart and your palms facing you. Cross your feet and lift your body until your chin is higher than your hands. Slowly lower your body back to the starting position.

    • Do between 6 and 8 reps and 2 sets. Increase to 8 - 12 reps and 3 sets once you have gained strength.
    • To increase the intensity of this exercise, wear a weighted belt. Add more weight as you get stronger over time.


  1. 1

    Incorporate pectoral fly exercise into your workout. This exercise works out your pectoral muscles as well as your biceps, and helps you create a strong foundation for a safe, successful bicep workout. Incorporate pectoral fly exercises into either your bicep workout or additional strength training workouts on days you rest your biceps.[5]

    • Lie down on a bench so that your head, torso, and rear end are all supported, but your legs are off the bench. Bend your knees so that your feet sit flat on the floor off the end of the bench. Bend your elbows so that your dumbbells are resting near your chest to begin.
    • Start by pushing the dumbbells straight up from the chest. Slowly lower the arms out to the sides only as far as you feel sure you can bring the dumbbells back up. Make sure you have a spotter nearby for safety
    • Exhale, and carefully bring the dumbbells back together over the center of your chest in an arch motion. Once the dumbbells come together, repeat the motion by lowering the dumbbells back out to the sides. Repeat this motion for your specific number of reps.
  2. 2

    Perform push-ups. Push-ups help build strength in the shoulders, chest and triceps, all of which work in conjunction with the biceps. Incorporate push-ups in your regular workout routine as a body-weight exercise to help build up your supporting muscle groups.[6]

    • Set yourself on a mat stomach-down, and place your hands at shoulder level and slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Set your feet up so that your legs are straight back behind you and the tips of your shoes are touching the ground. Look down while keeping your head, neck, and spine in a straight line.
    • Push up on your arms to bring your body to an elevated position at the full extension of your arms. Your body should stay in a straight line. Brace your abs as you push up.
    • Once you reach the full extent of your arms, carefully lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. Do not let your chest or head drop to the ground.
    • Repeat the exercise for the recommended amount of reps, or until your body gets tired.
  3. 3

    Add stretching to your routine. Stretching is important to help your muscles loosen up and kickstart the recovery process. Consider adding a stretching routine such as yoga to your workout schedule to make sure that your biceps and supporting muscle groups are all getting the attention they deserve.

    • You can perform muscle-specific static stretches, but whole-body stretching exercises such as yoga provide a more inclusive, comprehensive stretch for all muscles worked, including smaller supporting ones.[7]


  1. 1

    Don't train every day. You might think that working out every day will lead to bigger biceps, but your muscles actually get stronger during the resting period in between workouts, when they have time to recover. Over time they get larger in order to be capable of lifting more and more weight.[8]

    • Train your biceps no more than twice a week for the best results.
    • Work out other parts of your body on the days you aren't doing exercises to enhance your biceps.
  2. 2

    Limit the length of your sessions. Training for too long during any given session can strain your biceps and cause an injury, setting back your progress. Fifteen to thirty minute training sessions are sufficient for building strength and preventing injury when you are focusing specifically on your biceps.

  3. 3

    When you do train, go all in. After a few months of biceps training, building muscle memory and strengthening the biceps, you can safely go all in. Make each training session count by working out as hard as you can during that short period of time. Lift the heaviest weights you can lift for six or more reps to make your sessions as high-intensity as possible. Bodybuilders call this method "training to failure," because you should be training with weights heavy enough that you eventually can't complete another rep.[9]

    • Find your "train to failure" weight by choosing a weight you can curl no more than 6 - 8 times before experiencing too much muscle fatigue to keep lifting. If you're able to complete several sets without breaking a sweat or "failing," you need to increase the weight. If you can't lift it even one or two times without stopping, decrease the weight.
    • Your train to failure weight will gradually increase as you gain muscle strength. Add weight in one to two pound increments every week or so, using the same standard to determine whether you're lifting too much weight or too little.
  4. 4

    Use the right form. Your train to failure weight should also be a weight you can lift while using the proper form. Using the right form keeps your biceps from getting injured and promotes the right kind of muscle-building.

    • Don't use momentum to lift the weights; use controlled movements. Lower them slowly rather than letting them drop quickly.
    • If you find that you can't complete more than a few reps without losing your good form, you're lifting too much weight. Start with a lighter weight and build up your strength.
    • Take one to two minute breaks between sets to let your muscles rest.


  1. 1

    Reduce your intake of high-calorie foods. When you're training a lot, you need to make sure you get plenty of calories for energy, but eating too much can create a layer of fat on your body that will obscure the muscles you're working so hard to build.

    • Choose vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
    • Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and ease your hunger pangs after working out.
  2. 2

    Eat a lot of protein. [10] Protein helps build muscles, so it's recommended that you eat 0.8 g of protein per pound of body weight while you're training.[11]

    • Eat poultry, fish, beef, pork, eggs, nuts, seeds, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, and other sources of protein to build your muscles.
    • Beans, leafy greens, tofu, and other vegetarian sources of protein are also good choices.
  3. 3

    Consider creatine . Creatine is an amino acid naturally produced by the body to build big, strong muscles. Many bodybuilders take creatine supplements to help them achieve their training goals. Although it isn't approved by the FDA, creatine is considered to be safe when taken in 5-gram doses.[12]

    • Choose a powdered creatine supplement that can be mixed with water and ingested several times a day.
    • After an initial "loading" period during which you drink high amounts of creatine to build it up in your body, taper off to a maintenance dosage.


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  • Question

    How do you work out your biceps without weights?

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele Dolan

    Certified Fitness Trainer

    Expert Answer

    Chin-ups are a great exercise since they work the bicep muscles using just body weight.

  • Question

    Is it advisable to do any exercises or stretches if my shoulders hurt?

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele Dolan

    Certified Fitness Trainer

    Expert Answer

    Yes. It is important to have strong shoulder and chest muscles to get the most from bicep training. Try side and front arm raises, or arm circles holding dumbbells, as well as pushups. Once you have built strength in the chest and shoulders (which hopefully you balance out with back work), return to your bicep workout. You can stretch the biceps by lacing your fingers together, flipping your palms, then reaching the arms overhead, fingers laced and palms facing the ceiling.

  • Question

    What should I do if my muscles have good shape, but aren't growing?

    Community Answer

    Either you're not doing enough reps or you are not eating enough calories to properly fuel muscle growth. Try consuming a couple hundred more calories each day, preferably in lean protein and carbs and increase your reps. Make sure to take rest days and a deload week here and there.

  • Question

    Can I stop working out when I am satisfied with my biceps?

    Community Answer

    You will need to keep on working out. Oncde you get muscles you want, you cannot just relax and never lift a weight again. You must continue to do workouts, otherwise your muscles will 'deflate.'

  • Question

    What exercises will work my biceps without weights?

    Community Answer

    Exercises that use your own bodyweight like chin-ups and pull-ups will strengthen your biceps without the use of traditional weights.

  • Question

    How can I make my triceps bigger?

    Community Answer

    6 - 8 rep range with heavy weight, using movements that isolate the triceps, such as skull crushers, triceps extensions, dips, etc., as well as compound movements like the bench press.

  • Question

    Is it safe for an older person to do weight training?

    Bryan Rudin

    Bryan Rudin

    Community Answer

    Yes, as long as you are practicing safe weight training, consulting regularly with a doctor and trainer, and not pushing yourself too hard.

  • Question

    If I have been working out for more than 16 months and there's no increase in my biceps. Am I doing something wrong?

    Community Answer

    You are not working out properly. Glance through the various forums about the issue or discuss it with your trainer.

  • Question

    How can I get big biceps at home?

    Community Answer

    Use big water bottles with some type of grip or handle. Fill them up with water to make them heavy, then then do biceps curls.

  • Question

    How do I grow bigger biceps in a week?

    Community Answer

    You can't. It takes more time to grow them, but if you only need them to be bigger for a small period of time, you could always pump them.

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Sample Exercises


  • Always stretch, warm up, and cool down.

  • Close grip will work the inner bicep and wide grip will work the outer bicep.

  • Take special precautions for your recovery if your biceps workout results in an injury like a bicep tear.


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Article SummaryX

To get bigger biceps, start by doing biceps-specific exercises like dumbbell curls, concentration curls, and chin-ups to build muscle. Next, build the muscles that surround your biceps by incorporating pectoral fly exercises, push-ups, and daily stretching into your exercise routine. Work out your biceps no more than twice a week and limit yourself to 15 to 30 minute training sessions for the best results! To learn about other training techniques you can try, read on!

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How To Get Bigger Biceps At Home


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